
stages of growth

you'll wonder where the wonder went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent 

Mt. Carmel Indiana

Vancouver, Canada

Icarus Flyby

John Baptiste



Similar: jurisdiction, supremacy, dominion, power, ascendancy, tyranny, hegemony, domination, sway, predominance, authority

Opposite: subservience - willingness to obey others unquestioningly 

I hold personal dominion and by this mean that I accept personal responsibility for the choices I make and the actions I take with the understanding that any choice, good or bad, may have unintended consequences and then what can I say but "Ah! Let that be a lesson!"   If however I find myself reliving the same experience then I say "OK! Let that be a lesson and don't you forget it."   After I started taking statins, I had to start writing everything down.  

80 mg of Lipitor

Your Brain is made of fat.  It has its own fat factories.  60% less factory production!  Hippocampus! Neurogenesis!  Memory!  Oh! My!

Your arteries are made of muscle.  When you exercise, muscle, your body tears and then rebuilds that muscle.  60% reduction in infrastructure maintenance!  

Muscle Cramps! Sticky Platelets!  Blood Clots!  Oh My!

In January 2010 I rebuilt our back porch.  In my twenties and thirties I had worked outside for as a Heavy Duty Marine Mechanic  on the British Columbia coast, but this was crazy.  I was 59 and had worked indoors in information technology for over twenty years.  After I broke my back.  A Pre-Existing Condition.

At the center of the banner the image reads I AM HERE!   I was using my understanding of metaphysics and sacred geometry to create and project an Merkabah energy field as an experiment in manifestation that I called the Water Meditation Park.   I would also have to add that such efforts tend to have unintended consequences.  My resulting awakening was as brutal as any catholic mystic ever had.  

I wrote the following in 2010 but lost the original draft.  

Connecting the Dots.pdf